# amdgpu_stats A simple Python module/TUI for AMD GPU statistics ![Screenshot of main screen](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joshlay/amdgpu_stats/master/screens/main.png "Main screen") Supported GPUs and temperature nodes (`edge`/`junction`/etc.) are discovered automatically. Tested _only_ on `RX6000` series cards; APUs and more _may_ be supported. Please file an issue if finding incompatibility! ## Installation ``` pip install amdgpu-stats ``` To use the _TUI_, run `amdgpu-stats` in your terminal of choice. For the _module_, see below! ## Module Introduction: ``` In [1]: import amdgpu_stats.utils In [2]: amdgpu_stats.utils.AMDGPU_CARDS Out[2]: {'card0': '/sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon9'} In [3]: amdgpu_stats.utils.get_core_stats('card0') Out[3]: {'sclk': 640000000, 'mclk': 1000000000, 'voltage': 0.79, 'util_pct': 65} In [4]: amdgpu_stats.utils.get_clock('core', format_freq=True) Out[4]: '659 MHz' ``` For more information on what the module provides, please see: - [ReadTheDocs](https://amdgpu-stats.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - `help('amdgpu_stats.utils')` in your interpreter - [The module source](https://github.com/joshlay/amdgpu_stats/blob/master/src/amdgpu_stats/utils.py) Feature requests [are encouraged](https://github.com/joshlay/amdgpu_stats/issues) :) ## Requirements Only `Linux` is supported. Information is _completely_ sourced from interfaces in `sysfs`. It _may_ be necessary to update the `amdgpu.ppfeaturemask` parameter to enable metrics. This is assumed present for *control* over the elements being monitored. Untested without. See [this Arch Wiki entry](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AMDGPU#Boot_parameter) for context.