270 lines
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270 lines
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This module provides the TUI aspect of 'amdgpu-stats'
- GPUStats: the object for the _Application_, instantiated at runtime
- GPUStatsWidget: the primary container for the three stat widgets:
- MiscDisplay
- ClockDisplay
- PowerDisplay
- LogScreen: Second screen with the logging widget, header, and footer
- tui: Renders the TUI using the classes above
import sys
from textual.binding import Binding
from textual.app import App, ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal
from textual.reactive import reactive
from textual.screen import Screen
from textual.widgets import Header, Footer, Static, TextLog, Label
from .utils import CARD, SRC_FILES, TEMP_FILES, format_frequency, get_core_stats, get_fan_stats, get_power_stats, get_temp_stats # pylint: disable=line-too-long
class LogScreen(Screen):
"""Creates a screen for the logging widget"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.text_log = TextLog(highlight=True, markup=True)
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Event handler called when widget is first added
On first display in this case."""
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
yield Header()
yield Container(self.text_log)
yield Footer()
# def on_key(self, event: events.Key) -> None:
# """Log/show key presses when the log window is open"""
# self.text_log.write(event)
class GPUStatsWidget(Static):
"""The main stats widget."""
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Create child widgets."""
yield ClockDisplay(classes="box")
yield PowerDisplay(classes="box")
yield MiscDisplay(classes="box")
class GPUStats(App):
"""Textual-based tool to show AMDGPU statistics."""
# apply stylesheet
CSS_PATH = 'amdgpu_stats.css'
# initialize log screen
SCREENS = {"logs": LogScreen()}
# setup keybinds
# Binding("l", "push_screen('logs')", "Toggle logs", priority=True),
Binding("c", "toggle_dark", "Toggle colors", priority=True),
Binding("l", "toggle_log", "Toggle logs", priority=True),
Binding("q", "quit_app", "Quit", priority=True)
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Create child widgets for the app."""
yield Header()
yield Container(GPUStatsWidget())
self.update_log("[bold green]App started, logging begin!")
self.update_log("[bold italic]Information sources:[/]")
for metric, source in SRC_FILES.items():
self.update_log(f'[bold] {metric}:[/] {source}')
for metric, source in TEMP_FILES.items():
self.update_log(f'[bold] {metric} temperature:[/] {source}')
yield Footer()
def action_toggle_dark(self) -> None:
"""An action to toggle dark mode."""
self.dark = not self.dark
self.update_log(f"Dark side: [bold]{self.dark}")
def action_quit_app(self) -> None:
"""An action to quit the program"""
message = "Exiting on user request"
def action_toggle_log(self) -> None:
"""Toggle between the main screen and the LogScreen."""
if isinstance(self.screen, LogScreen):
def update_log(self, message: str) -> None:
"""Update the TextLog widget with a new message."""
log_screen = self.SCREENS["logs"]
class MiscDisplay(Static):
"""A widget to display misc. GPU stats."""
# construct the misc. stats dict; appended by discovered temperature nodes
# used to make a 'reactive' object
fan_stats = reactive({"fan_rpm": 0,
"fan_rpm_target": 0})
temp_stats = reactive({})
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.timer_misc = None
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Temperatures"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
for temp_node in TEMP_FILES:
# capitalize the first letter for display
caption = temp_node[0].upper() + temp_node[1:]
yield Horizontal(Label(f' {caption}:',),
Label("", id="temp_" + temp_node, classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Fan RPM"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Current:",),
Label("", id="fan_rpm", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Target:",),
Label("", id="fan_rpm_target", classes="statvalue"))
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Event handler called when widget is added to the app."""
self.timer_misc = self.set_interval(1, self.update_misc_stats)
def update_misc_stats(self) -> None:
"""Method to update the temp/fan values to current measurements.
Run by a timer created 'on_mount'"""
self.fan_stats = get_fan_stats()
self.temp_stats = get_temp_stats()
def watch_fan_stats(self, fan_stats: dict) -> None:
"""Called when the 'fan_stats' reactive attr changes.
- Updates label values
- Casting inputs to string to avoid type problems w/ int/None"""
self.query_one("#fan_rpm", Static).update(f"{fan_stats['fan_rpm']}")
self.query_one("#fan_rpm_target", Static).update(f"{fan_stats['fan_rpm_target']}")
def watch_temp_stats(self, temp_stats: dict) -> None:
"""Called when the temp_stats reactive attr changes, updates labels"""
for temp_node in TEMP_FILES:
# check first if the reactive object has been updated with keys
if temp_node in temp_stats:
stat_dict_item = temp_stats[temp_node]
self.query_one("#temp_" + temp_node, Static).update(f'{stat_dict_item}C')
class ClockDisplay(Static):
"""A widget to display GPU power stats."""
core_vals = reactive({"sclk": 0, "mclk": 0, "voltage": 0, "util_pct": 0})
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.timer_clocks = None
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Clocks"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" GPU core:",),
Label("", id="clk_core_val", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Memory:"),
Label("", id="clk_memory_val", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(""), Label("", classes="statvalue")) # padding to split groups
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Core"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Utilization:",),
Label("", id="util_pct", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Voltage:",),
Label("", id="clk_voltage_val", classes="statvalue"))
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Event handler called when widget is added to the app."""
self.timer_clocks = self.set_interval(1, self.update_core_vals)
def update_core_vals(self) -> None:
"""Method to update GPU clock values to the current measurements.
Run by a timer created 'on_mount'"""
self.core_vals = get_core_stats()
def watch_core_vals(self, core_vals: dict) -> None:
"""Called when the clocks attribute changes
- Updates label values
- Casting inputs to string to avoid type problems w/ int/None"""
class PowerDisplay(Static):
"""A widget to display GPU power stats."""
micro_watts = reactive({"limit": 0,
"average": 0,
"capability": 0,
"default": 0})
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.timer_micro_watts = None
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Power"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Usage:",),
Label("", id="pwr_avg_val", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(""), Label("", classes="statvalue")) # padding to split groups
yield Horizontal(Label("[underline]Limits"),
Label("", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Configured:",),
Label("", id="pwr_lim_val", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Default:",),
Label("", id="pwr_def_val", classes="statvalue"))
yield Horizontal(Label(" Board capability:",),
Label("", id="pwr_cap_val", classes="statvalue"))
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Event handler called when widget is added to the app."""
self.timer_micro_watts = self.set_interval(1, self.update_micro_watts)
def update_micro_watts(self) -> None:
"""Method to update GPU power values to current measurements.
Run by a timer created 'on_mount'"""
self.micro_watts = get_power_stats()
def watch_micro_watts(self, micro_watts: dict) -> None:
"""Called when the micro_watts attributes change.
- Updates label values
- Casting inputs to string to avoid type problems w/ int/None"""
def tui() -> None:
'''Spawns the textual UI only during CLI invocation / after argparse'''
if CARD is None:
sys.exit('Could not find an AMD GPU, exiting.')
app = GPUStats()