tuned/amdgpu: introduce config file, consolidated script
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 193 additions and 198 deletions
@ -34,9 +34,36 @@ Two _'profiles'_ are in each name:
| `desktop-amdgpu-overclock` | Includes the (assumed) existing `desktop` tuned profile.<br/><br/>Adjusts the GPU power limit, clocks, _and_ the voltage curve. |
| `desktop-amdgpu-peak` | Includes the (assumed) existing `desktop` tuned profile.<br/><br/>Same as the `overclock` profile, but locks clocks to their highest configured values |
## Notable variables
## Config
These are the variables you're likely to want to change. They are defined in [playbook.yml](playbook.yml)
The playbook will render this config file: `/etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf`
Here is a preview:
Changes will require switching `tuned` profiles to re-read/apply the config.
One can use [gamemode](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamemode) to do this automatically on start/stop.
Sample `~/.config/gamemode.ini`:
start=tuned-adm profile latency-performance-amdgpu-overclock
end=tuned-adm profile latency-performance-amdgpu-default
## Variables
These are the variables you'll want to change/consider.
| Variable | Description |
@ -45,4 +72,5 @@ These are the variables you're likely to want to change. They are defined in [p
| gpumem_clock_static | Sets the _static_ memory clock for the GPU (in `MHz`). This is *not* the _effective_ data rate. That is a multiple of this depending on the type of VRAM.<br/><br/>To avoid flickering this does *not* change dynamically with load. |
| gpu_mv_offset | GPU core voltage offset. Takes +/- some integer in millivolts. Can be used to both over _and_ under volt. eg: `-50` _(undervolt `50mV` or `0.05V`)_ |
| base_profiles | List of base tuned profiles to clone in the new AMDGPU profiles. Defaults based on `Fedora` |
| gpu_power_multi | Dictionary with two keys, `default` and `overclock`. Expects two floats to set a power limit relative to the board _capability_. Example: `1.0` is full board capability, `0.5` is 50%. |
| gpu_power_multi_def | Float between `0.0` and `1.0`; controls power limit relative to the board _capability_. For _'default'_-named power profiles. |
| gpu_power_multi_oc | Similar to `gpu_power_multi_def`, for _'overclock'_-named power profiles. |
@ -9,23 +9,21 @@
# default 500, for best performance: near maximum. applies with 'overclock' tuned profile
gpu_clock_min: "500"
# gpu_clock_max: "2675" # default somewhere around 2529 to 2660.
# gpu_clock_max: "2675" # default 2524 for my card
gpu_clock_max: "2715"
gpumem_clock_static: "1075"
default: 0.869969040247678 # 281W - real default
# overclock: 0.928792569659443 # 300W
# overclock: 0.959752321981424 # 310W
overclock: 1.0 # 323W - full board capability
# optional, applies offset (+/-) to GPU voltage by provided mV
# only counts for peak and overlock profiles
# gpu_mv_offset: "-20"
gpu_power_multi_def: 0.869969040247678 # 281W - real default
gpu_power_multi_oc: 1.0 # full board power capability
# other multipliers for 323W boards like mine:
# 300W: 0.928792569659443
# 310: 0.959752321981424
# sample worksheet in 'power_max multi tab calculator.ods'
gpu_mv_offset: "+60" # add 60mV or 0.06V
# gpu_mv_offset: "+150" # add 150mV or 0.15V
# gpu_mv_offset: "+133" # add 133mV or 0.133V
gpu_mv_offset: "+60" # add 60mV or 0.06V
# gpu_mv_offset: "+75" # add 75mV or 0.075V
# gpu_mv_offset: "+125" # add 125mV or 0.125V
# '-50' undervolts GPU core voltage 50mV or 0.05V; untested - here be dragons/instability
@ -40,6 +40,22 @@
notify: Restart tuned
become: true
- name: Configure profile vars
path: /etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf
line: "{{ item }}={{ vars[item] }}"
regexp: "^{{ item }}="
create: true
mode: '0644'
when: vars[item] is defined
- gpu_clock_min
- gpu_clock_max
- gpumem_clock_static
- gpu_power_multi_def
- gpu_power_multi_oc
- gpu_mv_offset
- name: Create custom profile directories
state: directory
@ -50,27 +66,13 @@
- "{{ base_profiles }}"
become: true
- name: Copy 'common' AMDGPU script for all profiles
- name: Template AMDGPU profile script
src: profile-common.sh.j2
dest: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, item.1 + '-amdgpu-' + item.0, 'amdgpu-common.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}"
mode: "0644" # sourced, doesn't require executable bit
owner: root
group: root
notify: Restart tuned
- "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}"
- "{{ base_profiles }}"
become: true
- name: Template custom AMDGPU profile scripts
src: amdgpu-profile-{{ item.0 }}.sh.j2
dest: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, item.1 + '-amdgpu-' + item.0, 'amdgpu-clock.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}"
src: amdgpu-profile.sh.j2
dest: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, 'amdgpu-clock.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}" # place in base dir for all profiles, called w/ arg
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0755"
loop: "{{ amdgpu_profiles | product(base_profiles) | list }}"
notify: Restart tuned
become: true
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# This is the 'default' script; resetting amdgpu clock/power/voltage tunables
# AMDGPU driver/sysfs references:
# https://01.org/linuxgraphics/gfx-docs/drm/gpu/amdgpu.html
# https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html
# start by including the 'common' script; determines card/hwmon dir/power profiles/power capability
. $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/amdgpu-common.sh
{# begin the templated script for 'default' profiles to reset state #}
# set control mode back to auto
# attempts to dynamically set optimal power profile for (load) conditions
echo 'auto' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# reset any existing profile clock changes
echo 'r' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_DEFAULT=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.default }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_DEFAULT" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# extract the power-saving profile ID number
PROF_DEFAULT_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /BOOTUP_DEFAULT.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# reset power/clock heuristics to power-saving
echo "${PROF_DEFAULT_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# This is the 'overclock' script; applies amdgpu clock/power/voltage tunables
# AMDGPU driver/sysfs references:
# https://01.org/linuxgraphics/gfx-docs/drm/gpu/amdgpu.html
# https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html
# start by including the 'common' script; determines card/hwmon dir/power profiles/power capability
. $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/amdgpu-common.sh
{# begin the templated script for 'overclocked' AMD GPU profiles based on the existing tuned profiles #}
# set the minimum GPU clock - for best performance, this should be near the maximum
# RX6000 series power management *sucks*
echo 's 0 {{ gpu_clock_min }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the maximum GPU clock
echo 's 1 {{ gpu_clock_max }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the GPU *memory* clock
# normally this would appear disregarded, memory clocked at the minimum allowed by the overdrive (OD) range
# it follows the core clock; if both 0/1 profiles for _it_ are high enough, the memory will follow
echo 'm 1 {{ gpumem_clock_static }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
{% if gpu_mv_offset is defined %}
# offset GPU voltage {{ gpu_mv_offset }}mV
echo 'vo {{ gpu_mv_offset }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
{% endif %}
# commit the changes
echo 'c' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# force GPU core and memory into highest clocks (fix flickering and poor power management)
# set manual control mode
# allows control via 'pp_dpm_mclk', 'pp_dpm_sclk', 'pp_dpm_pcie', 'pp_dpm_fclk', and 'pp_power_profile_mode' files
echo 'manual' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_OC=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.overclock }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_OC" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# avoid display flickering, force OC'd memory to highest clock
echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
# extract the VR power profile ID number
PROF_VR_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /VR.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# force 'overclocked' profile to 'VR' power/clock heuristics
# latency/frame timing seemed favorable with relatively-close minimum clocks
echo "${PROF_VR_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# This is the 'peak' script; applies most-aggressive amdgpu clock/power/voltage tunables
# AMDGPU driver/sysfs references:
# https://01.org/linuxgraphics/gfx-docs/drm/gpu/amdgpu.html
# https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html
# start by including the 'common' script; determines card/hwmon dir/power profiles/power capability
. $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/amdgpu-common.sh
{# begin the templated script for 'overclocked' AMD GPU profiles based on the existing tuned profiles #}
# set the minimum GPU clock - for best performance, this should be near the maximum
# RX6000 series power management *sucks*
echo 's 0 {{ gpu_clock_min }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the maximum GPU clock
echo 's 1 {{ gpu_clock_max }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the GPU *memory* clock
# normally this would appear disregarded, memory clocked at the minimum allowed by the overdrive (OD) range
# it follows the core clock; if both 0/1 profiles for _it_ are high enough, the memory will follow
echo 'm 1 {{ gpumem_clock_static }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
{% if gpu_mv_offset is defined %}
# offset GPU voltage {{ gpu_mv_offset }}mV
echo 'vo {{ gpu_mv_offset }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
{% endif %}
# commit the changes
echo 'c' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# force GPU core and memory into highest clocks (fix flickering and poor power management)
# set manual control mode
# allows control via 'pp_dpm_mclk', 'pp_dpm_sclk', 'pp_dpm_pcie', 'pp_dpm_fclk', and 'pp_power_profile_mode' files
echo 'manual' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_OC=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.overclock }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_OC" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# pp_dpm_*clk settings are unintuitive, giving profiles that may be used
echo '1' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_sclk
echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_fclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_socclk
# extract the VR power profile ID number
PROF_VR_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /VR.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# force 'overclocked' profile to 'VR' power/clock heuristics
# latency/frame timing seemed favorable with relatively-close minimum clocks
echo "${PROF_VR_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
# note 4/8/2023: instead of 'manual'... try dealing with broken power management, force clocks to high
# ref: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/1500
# followup: doesn't work that well in practice, still flaky on clocks/frame times
#echo 'high' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# This is the script for 'amdgpu' profiles, (re)setting clock/power/voltage tunables
# AMDGPU driver/sysfs references:
# https://01.org/linuxgraphics/gfx-docs/drm/gpu/amdgpu.html
# https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html
# Variables shown below named '$TUNED_...' are given values by '/etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf'
# determine the connected GPU using the DRM subsystem. FIXME: assumes one card, make configurable
CARD=$(/usr/bin/grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | /usr/bin/grep -o 'card[0-9]' | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq | /usr/bin/sort -h | /usr/bin/tail -1)
function get_hwmon_dir() {
for CANDIDATE in "${CARD_DIR}"/hwmon/hwmon*; do
if [[ -f "${CANDIDATE}"/power1_cap ]]; then
# found a valid hwmon dir
echo "${CANDIDATE}"
# determine the hwmon directory
HWMON_DIR=$(get_hwmon_dir "${CARD}")
# read all of the power profiles, used to get the IDs for assignment later
PROFILE_MODES=$(< /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode)
# get power capability; later used determine limits
read -r -d '' POWER_CAP < "$HWMON_DIR"/power1_cap_max
function amdgpu_profile_reset() {
# set control mode back to auto
# attempts to dynamically set optimal power profile for (load) conditions
echo 'auto' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# reset any existing profile clock changes
echo 'r' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_DEFAULT=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n="${TUNED_gpu_power_multi_def}" 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_DEFAULT" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# extract the power-saving profile ID number
PROF_DEFAULT_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /BOOTUP_DEFAULT.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# reset power/clock heuristics to power-saving
echo "${PROF_DEFAULT_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
# delay before returning - have mercy, may be followed with other profile function calls
sleep 0.5
function amdgpu_profile_overclock() {
echo "s 0 ${TUNED_gpu_clock_min}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
echo "s 1 ${TUNED_gpu_clock_max}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
echo "m 1 ${TUNED_gpumem_clock_static}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# under/over-voltage is considered optional or less likely to be defined, checked before use
if [[ -n ${TUNED_gpu_mv_offset} ]]; then
echo "vo ${TUNED_gpu_mv_offset}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# commit the changes
echo 'c' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# force GPU core and memory into highest clocks (fix flickering and poor power management)
# set manual control mode
# allows control via 'pp_dpm_mclk', 'pp_dpm_sclk', 'pp_dpm_pcie', 'pp_dpm_fclk', and 'pp_power_profile_mode' files
echo 'manual' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_OC=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n="${TUNED_gpu_power_multi_oc}" 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_OC" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# avoid display flickering, force OC'd memory to highest clock
echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
# extract the VR power profile ID number
PROF_VR_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /VR.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# force 'overclocked' profile to 'VR' power/clock heuristics
# latency/frame timing seemed favorable with relatively-close minimum clocks
echo "${PROF_VR_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
# delay before returning - have mercy, may be followed with other profile function calls
sleep 0.5
function amdgpu_profile_help() {
echo "Usage: $0 {reset|overclock|peak}"
exit 1
# Check if an argument was provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# 'tuned' has trouble running scripts with args - treats '/path/to/script.sh arg1' as one complete item
# so, based on the active profile - run the right function
read -r -d '' TUNED_PROFILE < /etc/tuned/active_profile
case "$TUNED_PROFILE" in
# do everything the other profiles do... then set each clock table to their peak
echo '1' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_sclk
echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_fclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_socclk
# if I understand correctly, 'power_dpm_force_performance_level' at 'profile_peak' achieves similar... but precludes some control
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
# 'common' file sourced by other scripts under tuned profile
# dynamically determine the connected GPU using the DRM subsystem
CARD=$(/usr/bin/grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | /usr/bin/grep -o 'card[0-9]' | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq | /usr/bin/sort -h | /usr/bin/tail -1)
function get_hwmon_dir() {
for CANDIDATE in "${CARD_DIR}"/hwmon/hwmon*; do
if [[ -f "${CANDIDATE}"/power1_cap ]]; then
# found a valid hwmon dir
echo "${CANDIDATE}"
# determine the hwmon directory
HWMON_DIR=$(get_hwmon_dir "${CARD}")
# read all of the power profiles, used to get the IDs for assignment later
PROFILE_MODES=$(< /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode)
# get power capability; later used determine limits
read -r -d '' POWER_CAP < "$HWMON_DIR"/power1_cap_max
# export determinations
export CARD
export HWMON_DIR
export POWER_CAP
@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
include={{ item.1 }}
summary={{ item.1 }} + TCP/RAID tweaks + AMDGPU {{ item.0 }}
# reference/execute AMDGPU control script
# used because some sysfs interfaces are transactional
# cannot be set by a single param in 'tuned'/[sysfs]
script={{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, 'amdgpu-clock.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}
{# call the state-managing script with the selected profile, item.0, as an argument #}
{% if plugins is defined %}
{% for section, options in plugins.items() %}
{#+ give each plugin section some space +#}
Add table
Reference in a new issue