refactor, two profiles
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 82 additions and 106 deletions
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ Hacky solution to integrate AMDGPU power control and overclocking in `tuned` wit
Takes a list of existing `tuned` profiles and creates new ones based on them. These new profiles include AMDGPU power/clock parameters
An attempt is made to discover the active GPU using the 'connected' state in the `DRM` subsystem, example:
$ grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | grep -o card[0-9] | sort | uniq | sort -h | tail -1
~ $ grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | grep -o card[0-9] | sort | uniq | sort -h | tail -1
@ -7,15 +7,22 @@
- role: tuned_amdgpu
# note: 'gpu_*' vars only apply with the 'custom' suffixed profiles created by this tooling
# profiles based on the 'default' amdgpu power profile mode use default clocks
gpu_clock_min: "500" # default 500
gpu_clock_max: "2615" # default 2529
# the connected AMD GPU is automatically discovered - assumes one
# on swap to other AMD cards to avoid instability:
# 'rm -rfv /etc/tuned/*amdgpu*'
gpu_clock_min: "2200" # default 500, for best performance: near maximum. applies with 'overclock' tuned profile
gpu_clock_max: "2725" # default somewhere around 2529 to 2660
gpumem_clock_static: "1075"
default: 0.789473684210526 # 255W - slightly reduced, maintains clocks well
overclock: 0.869969040247678 # 281W - real default, board supports up to 323W (1.0)
default: 0.869969040247678 # 281W - real default
# overclock: 0.928792569659443 # 300W - slight boost
overclock: 1.0 # 323W - full board capability
# optional, applies offset (+/-) to GPU voltage by provided mV
# gpu_mv_offset: "-25"
gu_mv_offset: "+75" # add 50mV or 0.075V
# '-50' undervolts GPU core voltage 50mV or 0.05V
# mostly untested, there be dragons/instability
# list of source tuned profiles available on Fedora (TODO: should dynamically discover)
@ -26,30 +33,3 @@
- network-throughput
- powersave
- virtual-host
# mapping of typical Navi generation power profiles from:
# /sys/class/drm/card*/device/pp_power_profile_mode
# ref:
# 'pwr_cap_multi' is multiplied against board *limit* to determine profile wattage; 0.5 = 50%
# values below reflect my 6900XT
# amdgpu_profiles:
# default:
# pwrmode: 0
# pwr_cap_multi: 0.789473684210526 # 255W - slightly reduced, maintains clocks well
# 3D:
# pwrmode: 1
# pwr_cap_multi: 0.869969040247678 # 281W - default
# powersave:
# pwrmode: 2
# pwr_cap_multi: 0.869969040247678
# VR:
# pwrmode: 4
# pwr_cap_multi: 0.869969040247678
# compute:
# pwrmode: 5
# pwr_cap_multi: 0.869969040247678
# custom:
# pwrmode: 6
# pwr_cap_multi: 1.0 # 323W - full capability
# both dictionaries are merged to create new 'tuned' profiles. eg:
# 'balanced-amdgpu-default', 'balanced-amdgpu-3D', 'balanced-amdgpu-video'
@ -1,27 +1,11 @@
# defaults file for tuned_amdgpu
# vars handling unit conversion RE: power capabilities/limits
# the discovered board limit for power capability; in microWatts, then converted
power_max: "{{ power_max_b64['content'] | b64decode }}"
board_watts: "{{ power_max | int / 1000000 }}"
# internals for profile power calculations
# item in the context of the with_nested loops in the play
profile_name: "{{ item.0 }}"
# determine percentage for human-friendly comments
power_default_pct: "{{ (gpu_power_multi.default * 100.0) | round(2) }}"
power_oc_pct: "{{ (gpu_power_multi.overclock * 100.0) | round(2) }}"
# in microWatts, actually written to sysfs
power_default_mw: "{{ (power_max | float) * (gpu_power_multi.default | float) }}"
power_oc_mw: "{{ (power_max | float) * (gpu_power_multi.overclock | float) }}"
# wattages - more human-friendly comments
power_default_watts: "{{ (power_default_mw | int) / 1000000 }}"
power_oc_watts: "{{ (power_oc_mw | int) / 1000000 }}"
- default
- overclock
@ -28,38 +28,6 @@
when: (fed_ppdtuned_swap is not defined) or ('tuned' not in ansible_facts.packages)
become: true
- name: Determine GPU device in drm subsystem
cmd: grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | grep -o card[0-9] | sort | uniq | sort -h | tail -1
executable: /bin/bash
changed_when: false
register: card
- name: Find hwmon/max power capability file for {{ card.stdout }}
paths: /sys/class/drm/{{ card.stdout }}/device/hwmon
file_type: file
recurse: true
use_regex: true
- '^power1_cap_max$'
register: hwmon
- name: Find hwmon/current power limit file for {{ card.stdout }}
paths: /sys/class/drm/{{ card.stdout }}/device/hwmon
file_type: file
recurse: true
use_regex: true
- '^power1_cap$'
register: powercap_set
- name: Get max power capability for {{ card.stdout }}
src: "{{ hwmon.files.0.path }}"
register: power_max_b64
- name: Create custom profile directories
state: directory
@ -18,6 +18,29 @@
# dynamically determine the connected GPU using the DRM subsystem
CARD=$(/usr/bin/grep -ls ^connected /sys/class/drm/*/status | /usr/bin/grep -o 'card[0-9]' | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq | /usr/bin/sort -h | /usr/bin/tail -1)
function get_hwmon_dir() {
for CANDIDATE in "${CARD_DIR}"/hwmon/hwmon*; do
if [[ -f "${CANDIDATE}"/power1_cap ]]; then
# found a valid hwmon dir
echo "${CANDIDATE}"
# determine the hwmon directory
HWMON_DIR=$(get_hwmon_dir "${CARD}")
# read all of the power profiles, used to get the IDs for assignment later
PROFILE_MODES=$(< /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode)
# get power capability; later used determine limits
read -r -d '' POWER_CAP < "$HWMON_DIR"/power1_cap_max
# enable THP; profile enables the 'vm.compaction_proactiveness' sysctl
# improves allocation latency
echo 'always' | tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
{# begin the templated script for 'default' profiles to reset state #}
{% if 'default' in profile_name %}
# set control mode back to auto
@ -27,29 +50,27 @@ echo 'auto' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_le
# reset any existing profile clock changes
echo 'r' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# give '{{ profile_name }}' profile ~{{ power_default_pct }}% (rounded) of the max power capability
# {{ power_default_watts }} Watts of {{ board_watts }} total
echo '{{ power_default_mw | int }}' | tee '{{ powercap_set.files.0.path }}'
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_DEFAULT=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.default }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_DEFAULT" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# extract the power-saving profile ID number
PROF_POWER_SAVING_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /POWER_SAVING.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# reset power/clock heuristics to power-saving
echo "${PROF_POWER_SAVING_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
{% else %}
{# begin the templated script for non-default AMD GPU profiles, eg: 'VR' or '3D_FULL_SCREEN' #}
# set manual control mode
# allows control via 'pp_dpm_mclk', 'pp_dpm_sclk', 'pp_dpm_pcie', 'pp_dpm_fclk', and 'pp_power_profile_mode' files
# only interested in 'pp_power_profile_mode' for power and 'pp_dpm_mclk' for memory clock (flickering).
# GPU clocks are dynamic based on (load) condition
#echo 'manual' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# give '{{ profile_name }}' profile ~{{ power_oc_pct }}% (rounded) of the max power capability
# {{ power_oc_watts }} Watts of {{ board_watts }} total
echo '{{ power_oc_mw | int }}' | tee '{{ powercap_set.files.0.path }}'
# set the minimum GPU clock
{# begin the templated script for 'overclocked' AMD GPU profiles based on the existing tuned profiles #}
# set the minimum GPU clock - for best performance, this should be near the maximum
# RX6000 series power management *sucks*
echo 's 0 {{ gpu_clock_min }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the maximum GPU clock
echo 's 1 {{ gpu_clock_max }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the minimum / maximum GPU *memory* clock - force it high
echo 'm 0 {{ gpumem_clock_static }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# set the GPU *memory* clock
# normally this would appear disregarded, memory clocked at the minimum allowed by the overdrive (OD) range
# it follows the core clock; if both 0/1 profiles for _it_ are high enough, the memory will follow
echo 'm 1 {{ gpumem_clock_static }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
{% if gpu_mv_offset is defined %}
@ -60,12 +81,30 @@ echo 'vo {{ gpu_mv_offset }}' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_vo
# commit the changes
echo 'c' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage
# force GPU memory into highest clock (fix flickering)
# pp_dpm_*clk settings are unintuitive, giving profiles that may be used
# opt not to set the others (eg: sclk/fclk) - those should remain for benefits from the curve
# echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
# force GPU core and memory into highest clocks (fix flickering and poor power management)
# set manual control mode
# allows control via 'pp_dpm_mclk', 'pp_dpm_sclk', 'pp_dpm_pcie', 'pp_dpm_fclk', and 'pp_power_profile_mode' files
echo 'manual' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# note 4/8/2023: instead of 'manual'... deal with broken power management, force clocks to high
# adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability
POWER_LIM_OC=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.overclock }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}')
echo "$POWER_LIM_OC" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap"
# pp_dpm_*clk settings are unintuitive, giving profiles that may be used
echo '1' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_sclk
echo '3' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_mclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_fclk
echo '2' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_dpm_socclk
# extract the VR power profile ID number
PROF_VR_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /VR.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES")
# force 'overclocked' profile to 'VR' power/clock heuristics
# latency/frame timing seemed favorable with relatively-close minimum clocks
echo "${PROF_VR_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode
# note 4/8/2023: instead of 'manual'... try dealing with broken power management, force clocks to high
# ref:
echo 'high' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
# followup: doesn't work that well in practice, still flaky on clocks/frame times
#echo 'high' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level
{% endif %}
@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ net.core.default_qdisc=fq
# improve THP allocation latency, compact in background
# make page lock theft slightly more fair
# allow some games to run (eg: DayZ)
Add table
Reference in a new issue