#!/bin/bash {{ ansible_managed | comment }} # This is the 'default' script; resetting amdgpu clock/power/voltage tunables # # AMDGPU driver/sysfs references: # https://01.org/linuxgraphics/gfx-docs/drm/gpu/amdgpu.html # https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html # # start by including the 'common' script; determines card/hwmon dir/power profiles/power capability . $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/amdgpu-common.sh {# begin the templated script for 'default' profiles to reset state #} # set control mode back to auto # attempts to dynamically set optimal power profile for (load) conditions echo 'auto' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level # reset any existing profile clock changes echo 'r' | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_od_clk_voltage # adjust power limit using multiplier against board capability POWER_LIM_DEFAULT=$(/usr/bin/awk -v m="$POWER_CAP" -v n={{ gpu_power_multi.default }} 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", (m*n)}') echo "$POWER_LIM_DEFAULT" | tee "${HWMON_DIR}/power1_cap" # extract the power-saving profile ID number PROF_DEFAULT_NUM=$(/usr/bin/awk '$0 ~ /BOOTUP_DEFAULT.*:/ {print $1}' <<< "$PROFILE_MODES") # reset power/clock heuristics to power-saving echo "${PROF_DEFAULT_NUM}" | tee /sys/class/drm/"${CARD}"/device/pp_power_profile_mode