[main] include={{ item.1 }} summary={{ item.1 }} + TCP/RAID tweaks + AMDGPU pp_power_profile_mode = {{ item.0.value }} ({{ item.0.name }}) [sysfs] /sys/class/drm/{{ card }}/device/pp_power_profile_mode = {{ item.0.value }} {% if 'VR' in item.0.name or '3D' in item.0.name or 'compute' in item.0.name or 'custom' in item.0.name %} {# TODO: if 'custom' profile: #} {# set 'power_dpm_force_performance_level' to manual #} {# set individual clocks (eg: pp_dpm_mclk/pp_dpm_sclk/pp_dpm_pcie) #} {# with user-provided values for those clocks #} # configure GPU power/clock characteristics # ref: https://docs.kernel.org/gpu/amdgpu/thermal.html /sys/class/drm/{{ card }}/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level = high # limit perf profiles to {{ power_max_multi * 100.0 |int }}% of the max power capability /sys/class/drm/{{ card }}/device/hwmon/hwmon9/power1_cap = {{ power_cap }} {% else %} # choose power saving dpm clock options /sys/class/drm/{{ card }}/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level = low # limit lower power modes to 50% of the max power capability /sys/class/drm/{{ card }}/device/hwmon/hwmon9/power1_cap = {{ power_cap_half }} {% endif %} [sysctl] net.core.default_qdisc=fq # 'bbr2' requires a [modified] supporting kernel - stock Fedora kernels do *not* support it (currently) # eg: 'kernel-xanmode-edge' from COPR 'rmnscnce/kernel-xanmod' net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr2 net.core.rmem_max=33554432 net.core.wmem_max=33554432 dev.raid.speed_limit_min=600000 dev.raid.speed_limit_max=9000000 # allow some games to run (eg: DayZ) vm.max_map_count=1048576