{{ ansible_managed | comment }} [main] include={{ item.1 }} summary={{ item.1 }} + TCP/RAID tweaks + AMDGPU {{ item.0 }} [variables] include=/etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf # reference/execute AMDGPU control script # used because some sysfs interfaces are transactional # cannot be set by a single param in 'tuned'/[sysfs] [gpuclockscript] type=script script={{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, 'amdgpu-clock.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }} {# call the state-managing script with the selected profile, item.0, as an argument #} {% if tuned_amdgpu_plugins is defined %} {% for section, options in tuned_amdgpu_plugins.items() %} {#+ give each plugin section some space +#} [{{ section }}] {% for key, value in options.items() %} {{ key }}={{ value }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}