--- # tasks file for tuned_amdgpu # - name: Gather package facts ansible.builtin.package_facts: manager: auto # note: power-profiles-daemon conflicts with tuned # since F35 it must be removed so tuned may be installed - name: Replace 'power-profiles-daemon' with 'tuned' on Fedora 35+ ansible.builtin.package: # use with_items/pkg since 'dnf' module in Ansible doesn't support 'swap' name: "{{ item.name }}" state: "{{ item.state }}" with_items: - {name: 'power-profiles-daemon', state: 'absent'} - {name: 'tuned', state: 'present'} when: - ('power-profiles-daemon' in ansible_facts.packages) or ('tuned' not in ansible_facts.packages) - ansible_distribution == 'Fedora' - ansible_distribution_major_version|int > 35 register: fed_ppdtuned_swap become: true - name: Install tuned ansible.builtin.package: name: tuned state: present when: (fed_ppdtuned_swap is not defined) or ('tuned' not in ansible_facts.packages) become: true - name: Create custom profile directories ansible.builtin.file: state: directory path: /etc/tuned/{{ item.1 }}-amdgpu-{{ item.0 }} mode: "0755" with_nested: - "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}" - "{{ base_profiles }}" become: true - name: Template AMDGPU control/reset scripts ansible.builtin.template: src: templates/amdgpu-clock.sh.j2 dest: /etc/tuned/{{ item.1 }}-amdgpu-{{ item.0 }}/amdgpu-clock.sh owner: root group: root mode: "0755" with_nested: - "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}" - "{{ base_profiles }}" notify: Restart tuned become: true - name: Template custom tuned profiles ansible.builtin.template: src: templates/tuned.conf.j2 dest: /etc/tuned/{{ item.1 }}-amdgpu-{{ item.0 }}/tuned.conf owner: root group: root mode: "0644" with_nested: - "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}" - "{{ base_profiles }}" notify: Restart tuned become: true - name: Ensure tuned is enabled ansible.builtin.service: name: tuned enabled: true become: true