--- # tasks file for tuned_amdgpu # - name: Gather package facts ansible.builtin.package_facts: manager: auto # around Fedora 35/36, the packages for 'power-profiles-daemon' and 'tuned' conflicted; no more - can coincide # ensuring the service is masked should suffice - not removed; gnome/others may 'require' it. doing so may remove them implicitly - name: Ensure power-profiles-daemon is off/disabled/masked ansible.builtin.systemd_service: name: power-profiles-daemon enabled: false masked: true state: stopped when: "'power-profiles-daemon' in ansible_facts['packages']" become: true - name: Ensure 'tuned' is installed ansible.builtin.package: name: tuned state: present become: true - name: Find bundled 'tuned' profiles ansible.builtin.find: paths: - /usr/lib/tuned/ # this may change/benefit from var/defaults; packaging should generally prefer this path patterns: - 'tuned.conf' recurse: true register: tuned_bundled_configs - name: Set fact with included profile names ansible.builtin.set_fact: base_profiles: "{{ base_profiles | default([]) + profile_name }}" loop: "{{ tuned_bundled_configs.files }}" loop_control: label: "{{ profile_name }}" vars: profile_name: "{{ [item.path | dirname | basename] }}" - name: Ensure dynamic tuning is disabled ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/tuned/tuned-main.conf regexp: '^dynamic_tuning.*=' line: 'dynamic_tuning = 0' notify: Restart tuned become: true - name: Configure vars in '/etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf' ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/tuned/amdgpu-profile-vars.conf line: "{{ item }}={{ vars[item] }}" regexp: "^{{ item }}=" create: true mode: '0644' when: vars[item] is defined with_items: - gpu_clock_min - gpu_clock_max - gpumem_clock_static - gpu_power_multi_def - gpu_power_multi_oc - gpu_mv_offset become: true - name: Create custom profile directories ansible.builtin.file: state: directory path: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, item.1 + '-amdgpu-' + item.0) | ansible.builtin.path_join }}" mode: "0755" with_nested: - "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}" - "{{ base_profiles }}" become: true - name: Template AMDGPU profile script ansible.builtin.template: src: amdgpu-profile.sh.j2 dest: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, 'amdgpu-clock.sh') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}" # place in base dir for all profiles, called w/ arg owner: root group: root mode: "0755" notify: Restart tuned become: true - name: Template tuned.conf for custom profiles ansible.builtin.template: src: templates/tuned.conf.j2 dest: "{{ (tuned_amdgpu_profile_dir, item.1 + '-amdgpu-' + item.0, 'tuned.conf') | ansible.builtin.path_join }}" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" with_nested: - "{{ amdgpu_profiles }}" - "{{ base_profiles }}" notify: Restart tuned become: true tags: - tuned.conf - name: Ensure tuned is enabled ansible.builtin.service: name: tuned enabled: true become: true - name: Copy gamemode memlock limits.d booster become: true ansible.builtin.template: src: etc.security.limits.d.99-gamemode-memlock.conf dest: /etc/security/limits.d/99-gamemode-memlock.conf owner: root group: root mode: '0644'